Egg donation is the process by which a woman donates several eggs to another infertile woman for the purpose of helping her to conceive. IVF is required to remove eggs from the donor’s ovaries for the purpose of egg donation. This is called third-party reproduction and is a part of ART(assisted reproductive technique).
Advanced maternal age. These women do not have sufficient eggs in their ovaries.
Early onset of menopause, which sometimes occurs as early as their 30s.
Some females are born with no ovaries hence no eggs so they opt for donor eggs to grow their family.
Genetically linked diseases where a female gene is a cause of having abnormal babies.
Ovaries are surgically removed.
Repeated fertilization failures or pregnancy loss.
If ovaries are inaccessible while doing an IVF.
Ovaries damaged due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Autoimmune disease.
Compromised ovarian reserve.
First, the egg donors are recruited, screened, the consent of the donor’s husband and self is obtained. She undergoes IVF treatment. Once the eggs are mature and retrieved with the help of ultrasound, these eggs are fertilized with the husband’s sperms of the recipient in the laboratory. The resultant embryos are transferred into the recipient’s uterus. Finally, the pregnancy test is done to see if the patient is pregnant.
The success rate of the donor cycle is around 70% to 80%.
Even the menopausal woman can get pregnancy by using donor eggs and husband’s semen.
The reason for donation is either monitory or just to help the infertile couple.