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How Meditation Improves Fertility


The feelings of inadequacy in a couple makes them feel disconnected from rest of the world and each other at a time when they need support more than ever. Research shows that mindfulness and meditation practices can enhance compassion and kindness and can save husband and wife from a lot of arguments and misunderstandings.

Meditation Increases Compassion.

It is really hard on oneself during their fertility journey and the constant feature which is observed in these couples is to blame their body for not working properly and blame their mind for not being smart enough to figure out the solutions to their infertility. While practicing meditation, it is noticed that they are more gentle with themselves and therefore others. Studies back this up with data that shows that meditation is associated with self-compassion, stress management and having more positive inner dialogue.

Feedback from various couples undergoing fertility treatment have shown that they felt much better and balanced when they practiced meditation during their fertility treatment. Therefore, the patients should start doing anything more mindfully, for example, when they’re out walking, they should focus on what they see, hear and smell, rather than replaying their last cycle in their mind, or fretting about a future with no baby.

In one study of 291 women undergoing IVF treatment, it was found that anxiety and depression negatively affected fertility.

Another fertility bonus to meditation is the start of a new habit which helps you to gain control over your thoughts, which is the first step in manifesting your pregnancy.

Meditation Reduces Cortisol Levels

Studies have shown that stress is linked to reduced fertility in both males and females. One of the body’s main fight-or-flight hormones is cortisone. Stress stimulates the production of the hormone cortisol, and high levels of it wreak havoc on the endocrine system. When it comes to fertility, cortisol decreases the monthly surge of Luteinizing Hormone, which is responsible for triggering ovulation and thus interferes with ovulation .

Meditation has repeatedly shown to reduce cortisol levels, and has shown to restore ovulation in 75-80% of women experiencing functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (a condition in which the menses and ovulation come to a complete stop due to extreme mental or physical stress).

Meditation reduces Prolactin Level

Fertility stress increases Prolactin levels, which is the hormone that prevents ovulation during breastfeeding. So, fertility is compromised due to Anovulation

Meditation Reduces Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance contributes to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which may be responsible for up to 35% of female infertility cases.

Insulin resistance is one of the biggest impediments to getting pregnant. Meditation was shown to reduce insulin resistance. The exact mechanism of this effect is unknown, but it may be related to cortisol’s negative influence on glucose uptake during times of stress.

Meditation Improves fertility Hormone Balance

The precursor of cortisol is the same as progesterone, one of the major female reproductive hormones. When we’re under stress, our bodies can have a hard time keeping up with the demand for cortisol. To make up for the shortfall, they begin to steal this hormone away from the progesterone production line and shunt it into making more cortisol. The end result—low progesterone and high cortisol—is a very bad combination for women trying to get pregnant.

Low progesterone prevents an embryo from properly implanting in the uterine lining and is one of the main contributors to early miscarriage. By lowering basal cortisol levels, meditation can have a profound effect on fertility hormonal balance, improving the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy.

Feel free to keep searching until you find one that really appeals to you and that you’ll want to practice consistently. All the best!

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